"Guidebook -How to Use Agrochemicals Properly-" (English & Khmer)

JAICAF implemented rural development project in Cambodia for three years from 2010, getting financial support from Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.
Main activities of this project are to introduce sustainable agriculture - compost making, bio-pesticide, netting to control pests, etc.-, proper use of agrochemicals and
marketing of agricultural products.

For promoting proper use of agrochemicals in the field, we published the manual titled "Guidebook -How to Use Agrochemicals Properly-" in English and Khmer.

We are now posting the manual on our web site for public use.

"Guidebook -How to Use Agrochemicals Properly-" (English & Khmer)

*We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Institute of Environment Rehabilitation and Conservation (ERECON) for their support and cooperation to implement the project and make the manual.